We encourage you to report to us behaviour that compromises test security.
Use this form for reporting incidents such as: |
Do not use this form for reporting: |
- You know of a preparation program that encourages students to memorize test responses or uses real test questions
- You have found a website claiming to contain test questions from one of our Tests, or other copyrighted material that belongs to Paragon
- You witnessed behaviour at a test sitting that would encourage or enable cheating on the Test (either by a test taker or by Test Centre personnel)
- Emergencies (Contact 9-1-1 or your local emergency number)
- Questions about Paragon’s products and services (Contact Customer Service)
- National security concerns (Contact your local police or CSIS)
If you have concerns about the validity of a CAEL, CELPIP, or LPI score report, contact your Paragon Representative directly.
Your reports are appreciated. We will not reply to you unless you leave us your contact details and we require further information.
If you have any physical evidence, you may also mail it to:
Test Security Unit – Case Intake
2015 Main Street
Vancouver, BC V5T 3C2