Announcing Paragon’s Research Grant Recipients for 2018/9
Paragon Testing Enterprises is pleased to announce the recipients of research funding for 2018/9.
Paragon Research Grants
- Heike Neumann (Concordia University): Examining the predictive validity of the CAEL CE and its relationship to students’ academic acculturation
- Khaled Barkaoui (York University) & Ibtissem Knouzi (York University): Examining test-takers’ texts and writing processes when responding to CAEL CE academic unit A
Paragon Values collaborative research relationships with external researchers. Paragon Research Grants provide financial support to researchers who wish to carry out original research projects related to one or more Paragon tests. Completed project reports will be published on the Paragon website as Paragon Working Papers.
We received many excellent applications and would like to thank everyone who applied.
To learn more about Paragon’s Research Grants, visit our Awards and Grants page.